Source code for clisops.core.regrid

"""Regrid module."""

from __future__ import annotations

import functools
import json
import os
import warnings
from collections import ChainMap, OrderedDict
from glob import glob
from hashlib import md5
from math import sqrt
from pathlib import Path

import cf_xarray  # noqa
import numpy as np
import platformdirs
import roocs_grids
import xarray as xr
from packaging.version import Version
from roocs_utils.exceptions import InvalidParameterValue

import clisops.utils.dataset_utils as clidu
from clisops import CONFIG
from clisops import __version__ as __clisops_version__
from clisops.utils.common import check_dir, require_module
from clisops.utils.output_utils import FileLock, create_lock

# Try importing xesmf and set to None if not found at correct version
# If set to None, the `require_module` decorator will throw an exception
    import xesmf as xe

    if Version(xe.__version__) < Version(XESMF_MINIMUM_VERSION):
        msg = f"xESMF >= {XESMF_MINIMUM_VERSION} is required to use the regridding operations."
        raise ValueError()
except (ModuleNotFoundError, ValueError):
    xe = None

# FIXME: Remove this when xarray addresses
    f"xarray version >= {XARRAY_INCOMPATIBLE_VERSION} "
    f"is not supported for regridding operations with cf-time indexed arrays. "
    f"Please use xarray version < {XARRAY_INCOMPATIBLE_VERSION}. "
    "For more information, see:"

# Read coordinate variable precision from the clisops configuration (roocs.ini)
# All horizontal coordinate variables will be rounded to this precision
coord_precision_hor = int(CONFIG["clisops:coordinate_precision"]["hor_coord_decimals"])

# Check if xESMF module is imported - decorator, used below
require_xesmf = functools.partial(
    require_module, module=xe, module_name="xESMF", min_version=XESMF_MINIMUM_VERSION

# Check if xarray version is compatible - decorator, used below
require_older_xarray = functools.partial(

[docs] def weights_cache_init( weights_dir: str | Path | None = None, config: dict = CONFIG ) -> None: """Initialize global variable `weights_dir` as used by the Weights class. Parameters ---------- weights_dir : str or Path Directory name to initialize the local weights cache in. Will be created if it does not exist. Per default, this function is called upon import with weights_dir as defined in roocs.ini. config : dict Configuration dictionary as read from roocs.ini. Returns ------- None """ if weights_dir is not None: # Overwrite CONFIG entry with new value CONFIG["clisops:grid_weights"]["local_weights_dir"] = str(weights_dir) elif config["clisops:grid_weights"]["local_weights_dir"] == "": # Use platformdirs to determine the local weights cache directory weights_dir = ( Path(platformdirs.user_data_dir("clisops", "roocs")) / "grid_weights" ) CONFIG["clisops:grid_weights"]["local_weights_dir"] = str(weights_dir) else: weights_dir = config["clisops:grid_weights"]["local_weights_dir"] # Create directory tree if required if not os.path.isdir(weights_dir): os.makedirs(weights_dir)
# Initialize weights cache as defined in the clisops configuration (roocs.ini) weights_cache_init() # Ensure local weight storage directory exists - decorator, used below check_weights_dir = functools.partial( check_dir, dr=CONFIG["clisops:grid_weights"]["local_weights_dir"] )
[docs] def weights_cache_flush( weights_dir_init: str | Path | None = "", dryrun: bool | None = False, verbose: bool | None = False, ) -> None: """Flush and reinitialize the local weights cache. Parameters ---------- weights_dir_init : str, optional Directory name to reinitialize the local weights cache in. Will be created if it does not exist. The default is CONFIG["clisops:grid_weights"]["local_weights_dir"] as defined in roocs.ini (or as redefined by a manual weights_cache_init call). dryrun : bool, optional If True, it will only print all files that would get deleted. The default is False. verbose : bool, optional If True, and dryrun is False, will print all files that are getting deleted. The default is False. Returns ------- None """ # Read weights_dir from CONFIG weights_dir = CONFIG["clisops:grid_weights"]["local_weights_dir"] if dryrun: print(f"Flushing the clisops weights cache ('{weights_dir}') would remove:") elif verbose: print(f"Flushing the clisops weights cache ('{weights_dir}'). Removing ...") # Find and delete/report weight files, grid files and the json files containing the metadata if os.path.isdir(weights_dir): flist_weights = glob(f"{weights_dir}/weights_{'?'*32}_{'?'*32}_*.nc") flist_meta = glob(f"{weights_dir}/weights_{'?'*32}_{'?'*32}_*.json") flist_grids = glob(f"{weights_dir}/grid_{'?'*32}.nc") if flist_weights != [] or flist_grids != [] or flist_meta != []: for f in flist_meta + flist_weights + flist_grids: if dryrun or verbose: print(f" - {f}") if not dryrun: os.remove(f) else: if dryrun or verbose: print("No weight or grid files found. Cache empty?") elif dryrun: print("No weight or grid files found. Cache empty?") # Reinitialize local weights cache if not dryrun: if not weights_dir_init: weights_dir_init = weights_dir weights_cache_init(weights_dir_init) if verbose: print(f"Initialized new weights cache at {weights_dir_init}")
[docs] class Grid: """Create a Grid object that is suitable to serve as source or target grid of the Weights class. Pre-processes coordinate variables of input dataset (eg. create or read dataset from input, reformat, generate bounds, identify duplicated and collapsing cells, determine zonal / east-west extent). Parameters ---------- ds : xr.Dataset or xr.DataArray, optional Uses horizontal coordinates of an xarray.Dataset or xarray.DataArray to create a Grid object. The default is None. grid_id : str, optional Create the Grid object from a selection of pre-defined grids, e.g. "1deg" or "2pt5deg". The grids are provided via the roocs_grids package ( A special setting is "adaptive"/"auto", which requires the parameter 'ds' to be specified as well, and creates a regular lat-lon grid of the same extent and approximate resolution as the grid described by 'ds'. The default is None. grid_instructor : tuple, float or int, optional Create a regional or global regular lat-lon grid using xESMF utility functions. - Global grid: grid_instructor = (lon_step, lat_step) or grid_instructor = step - Regional grid: grid_instructor = (lon_start, lon_end, lon_step, lat_start, lat_end, lat_step) or grid_instructor = (start, end, step). The default is None. compute_bounds : bool, optional Compute latitude and longitude bounds if the dataset has none defined. The default is False. """ def __init__( self, ds: xr.Dataset | xr.DataArray | None = None, grid_id: str | None = None, grid_instructor: tuple | float | int | None = None, compute_bounds: bool | None = False, ): """Initialise the Grid object. Supporting only 2D horizontal grids.""" # All attributes - defaults self.type = None self.format = None self.extent = None self.nlat = 0 self.nlon = 0 self.ncells = 0 = None self.lon = None self.lat_bnds = None self.lon_bnds = None self.mask = None self.source = None self.hash = None self.coll_mask = None self.contains_collapsed_cells = None self.contains_duplicated_cells = None # Create grid_instructor as empty tuple if None grid_instructor = grid_instructor or tuple() # Grid from Dataset/DataArray, grid_instructor or grid_id if isinstance(ds, (xr.Dataset, xr.DataArray)): if grid_id in ["auto", "adaptive"]: self._grid_from_ds_adaptive(ds) else: self.ds = ds self.format = self.detect_format() self.source = "Dataset" elif grid_instructor: self._grid_from_instructor(grid_instructor) elif grid_id: self._grid_from_id(grid_id) else: raise InvalidParameterValue( "xarray.Dataset, grid_id or grid_instructor have to be specified as input." ) # Force format CF if self.format not in ["CF"]: self.grid_reformat(grid_format="CF") # Detect latitude and longitude coordinates = self.detect_coordinate("latitude") self.lon = self.detect_coordinate("longitude") self.lat_bnds = self.detect_bounds( self.lon_bnds = self.detect_bounds(self.lon) # Make sure standard_names are set for the coordinates self.ds[].attrs["standard_name"] = "latitude" self.ds[self.lon].attrs["standard_name"] = "longitude" # Detect type if not self.type: self.type = self.detect_type() # Unstagger the grid if necessary (to be done before halo removal - not yet implemented) self._grid_unstagger() # Lon/Lat dimension sizes self.nlat, self.nlon, self.ncells = self.detect_shape() # Extent of the grid (global or regional) if not self.extent: self.extent = self.detect_extent() # Get a permanent mask if there is # self.mask = self._detect_mask() # Clean coordinate variables out of data_vars if isinstance(self.ds, xr.Dataset): self._set_data_vars_and_coords() # Detect duplicated grid cells / halos if self.contains_duplicated_cells is None: self.contains_duplicated_cells = self._grid_detect_duplicated_cells() # Compute bounds if not specified and if possible if (not self.lat_bnds or not self.lon_bnds) and compute_bounds: self._compute_bounds() # TODO: possible step to use np.around(in_array, decimals [, out_array]) # 6 decimals corresponds to precision of ~ 0.1m (deg), 6m (rad) self._cap_precision(coord_precision_hor) # Create md5 hash of the coordinate variable arrays # Takes into account lat/lon + bnds + mask (if defined) self.hash = self._compute_hash() # Detect collapsing grid cells if self.lat_bnds and self.lon_bnds and self.contains_collapsed_cells is None: self._grid_detect_collapsed_cells() self.title = self._get_title() def __str__(self): """Return short string representation of a Grid object.""" if self.type == "unstructured": grid_str = str(self.ncells) + "_cells_grid" else: grid_str = str(self.nlat) + "x" + str(self.nlon) + "_cells_grid" return grid_str def __repr__(self): """Return full representation of a Grid object.""" info = ( f"clisops {self.__str__()}\n" + ( f"Lat x Lon: {self.nlat} x {self.nlon}\n" if self.type != "unstructured" else "" ) + f"Gridcells: {self.ncells}\n" + f"Format: {self.format}\n" + f"Type: {self.type}\n" + f"Extent: {self.extent}\n" + f"Source: {self.source}\n" + "Bounds? {}\n".format( self.lat_bnds is not None and self.lon_bnds is not None ) + f"Collapsed cells? {self.contains_collapsed_cells}\n" + f"Duplicated cells? {self.contains_duplicated_cells}\n" + f"Permanent Mask: {self.mask}\n" + f"md5 hash: {self.hash}" ) return info def _get_title(self) -> str: """Generate a title for the Grid with more information than the basic string representation.""" if self.source.startswith("Predefined_"): return ".".join( ga for ga in roocs_grids.grid_annotations[ self.source.replace("Predefined_", "") ].split(".") if "land-sea mask" not in ga ) else: if self.type != "unstructured": return f"{self.extent} {self.type} {self.nlat}x{self.nlon} ({self.ncells} cells) grid." else: return f"{self.extent} {self.type} {self.ncells} cells grid." def _grid_from_id(self, grid_id): """Load pre-defined grid from netCDF file.""" try: grid_file = roocs_grids.get_grid_file(grid_id) grid = xr.open_dataset(grid_file) except KeyError: raise KeyError(f"The grid_id '{grid_id}' you specified does not exist.") # Set attributes self.ds = grid self.source = "Predefined_" + grid_id self.type = "regular_lat_lon" self.format = self.detect_format() @require_xesmf @require_older_xarray def _grid_from_instructor(self, grid_instructor: tuple | float | int): """Process instructions to create regional or global grid (uses xESMF utility functions).""" # Create tuple of length 1 if input is either float or int if isinstance(grid_instructor, (int, float)): grid_instructor = (grid_instructor,) # Call xesmf.util functions to create the grid if len(grid_instructor) not in [1, 2, 3, 6]: raise InvalidParameterValue( "The grid_instructor has to be a tuple of length 1, 2, 3 or 6." ) elif len(grid_instructor) in [1, 2]: grid = xe.util.grid_global(grid_instructor[0], grid_instructor[-1]) elif len(grid_instructor) in [3, 6]: grid = xe.util.grid_2d( grid_instructor[0], grid_instructor[1], grid_instructor[2], grid_instructor[-3], grid_instructor[-2], grid_instructor[-1], ) # Set attributes self.ds = grid self.source = "xESMF" self.type = "regular_lat_lon" self.format = "xESMF" @require_xesmf @require_older_xarray def _grid_from_ds_adaptive(self, ds: xr.Dataset | xr.DataArray): """Create Grid of similar extent and resolution of input dataset.""" # TODO: dachar/daops to deal with missing values occurring in the coordinate variables # while no _FillValue/missing_value attribute is set # -> FillValues else might get selected as minimum/maximum lat/lon value # since they are not masked # Create temporary Grid object out of input dataset grid_tmp = Grid(ds=ds) # Determine "edges" of the grid xfirst = float(grid_tmp.ds[grid_tmp.lon].min()) xlast = float(grid_tmp.ds[grid_tmp.lon].max()) yfirst = float(grid_tmp.ds[].min()) ylast = float(grid_tmp.ds[].max()) # fix for regional grids that wrap around the Greenwich meridian if grid_tmp.extent == "regional" and (xfirst > 180 or xlast > 180): = grid_tmp.ds.lon.where( grid_tmp.ds.lon <= 180, grid_tmp.ds.lon - 360.0 ) xfirst = float(grid_tmp.ds[grid_tmp.lon].min()) xlast = float(grid_tmp.ds[grid_tmp.lon].max()) # For unstructured grids: # Distribute the number of grid cells to nlat and nlon, in proportion # to extent in meridional and zonal direction if grid_tmp.type == "unstructured": xsize = int( sqrt(abs(xlast - xfirst) / abs(ylast - yfirst) * grid_tmp.ncells) ) ysize = int( sqrt(abs(ylast - yfirst) / abs(xlast - xfirst) * grid_tmp.ncells) ) # Else, use nlat and nlon of the dataset else: xsize = grid_tmp.nlon ysize = grid_tmp.nlat # Compute meridional / zonal resolution (=increment) xinc = (xlast - xfirst) / (xsize - 1) yinc = (ylast - yfirst) / (ysize - 1) xrange = [0.0, 360.0] if xlast > 180 else [-180.0, 180.0] xfirst = xfirst - xinc / 2.0 xlast = xlast + xinc / 2.0 xfirst = xfirst if xfirst > xrange[0] - xinc / 2.0 else xrange[0] xlast = xlast if xlast < xrange[1] + xinc / 2.0 else xrange[1] yfirst = yfirst - yinc / 2.0 ylast = ylast + yinc / 2.0 yfirst = yfirst if yfirst > -90.0 else -90.0 ylast = ylast if ylast < 90.0 else 90.0 # Create regular lat-lon grid with these specifics self._grid_from_instructor((xfirst, xlast, xinc, yfirst, ylast, yinc))
[docs] def grid_reformat(self, grid_format: str, keep_attrs: bool = False): """Reformat the Dataset attached to the Grid object to a target format. Parameters ---------- grid_format : str Target format of the reformat operation. Yet supported are 'SCRIP', 'CF', 'xESMF'. keep_attrs : bool Whether to keep the global attributes. Returns ------- ds_ref : xarray.Dataset Reformatted dataset. """ # TODO: Extend for formats CF, xESMF, ESMF, UGRID, SCRIP # If CF and self.type=="regular_lat_lon": # ensure lat/lon are 1D each and bounds are nlat,2 and nlon,2 # TODO: When 2D coordinates will be changed to 1D index coordinates # xarray.assign_coords might be necessary, or alternatively, # define a new Dataset and move all data_vars and aux. coords across. # Generate reformat operation string reformat_operation = "reformat_" + self.format + "_to_" + grid_format # Conduct reformat operation if defined in clisops.utils.dataset_utils if hasattr(clidu, reformat_operation): self.ds = getattr(clidu, reformat_operation)( ds=self.ds, keep_attrs=keep_attrs ) self.format = grid_format else: raise Exception( "Converting the grid format from %s to %s is not yet supported." % (self.format, grid_format) )
def _grid_unstagger(self) -> None: """Interpolate to cell center from cell edges, rotate vector variables in lat/lon direction. Warning ------- This method is not yet implemented. """ # TODO # Plan: # Check if it is vector and not scalar data (eg. by variable name? No other idea yet.) # Unstagger if needed. # a) Provide the unstaggered grid (from another dataset with scalar variable) or provide # the other vector component? One of both might be required. # b) Rotate the vector in zonal / meridional direction and interpolate to # cell center of unstaggered grid # c) Flux direction seems to be important for the rotation (see cdo mrotuvb), how to infer that? # d) Grids staggered in vertical direction, w-component? Is that important at all for # horizontal regridding, maybe only for 3D-unstructured grids? # All in all a quite impossible task to automatise this process. pass def _grid_detect_duplicated_cells(self) -> bool: """Detect a possible grid halo / duplicated cells.""" # Create array of (ilat, ilon) tuples if self.ds[self.lon].ndim == 2 or ( self.ds[self.lon].ndim == 1 and self.type == "unstructured" ): latlon_halo = np.array( list( zip( self.ds[].values.ravel(), self.ds[self.lon].values.ravel(), ) ), dtype=("float32,float32"), ).reshape(self.ds[self.lon].values.shape) else: latlon_halo = list() # For 1D regular_lat_lon if isinstance(latlon_halo, list): dup_rows = [ i for i in list(range(self.ds[].shape[0])) if i not in np.unique(self.ds[], return_index=True)[1] ] dup_cols = [ i for i in list(range(self.ds[self.lon].shape[0])) if i not in np.unique(self.ds[self.lon], return_index=True)[1] ] if dup_cols != [] or dup_rows != []: return True # For 1D unstructured elif self.type == "unstructured" and self.ds[self.lon].ndim == 1: mask_duplicates = self._create_duplicate_mask(latlon_halo) dup_cells = np.where(mask_duplicates is True)[0] if dup_cells.size > 0: return True # For 2D coordinate variables else: mask_duplicates = self._create_duplicate_mask(latlon_halo) # All duplicate rows indices: dup_rows = list() for i in range(mask_duplicates.shape[0]): if all(mask_duplicates[i, :]): dup_rows.append(i) # All duplicate columns indices: dup_cols = list() for j in range(mask_duplicates.shape[1]): if all(mask_duplicates[:, j]): dup_cols.append(j) for i in dup_rows: mask_duplicates[i, :] = False for j in dup_cols: mask_duplicates[:, j] = False # All duplicate rows indices: dup_part_rows = list() for i in range(mask_duplicates.shape[0]): if any(mask_duplicates[i, :]): dup_part_rows.append(i) # All duplicate columns indices: dup_part_cols = list() for j in range(mask_duplicates.shape[1]): if any(mask_duplicates[:, j]): dup_part_cols.append(j) if ( dup_part_cols != [] or dup_part_rows != [] or dup_cols != [] or dup_rows != [] ): return True return False @staticmethod def _create_duplicate_mask(arr): """Create duplicate mask helper function.""" arr_flat = arr.ravel() mask = np.zeros_like(arr_flat, dtype=bool) mask[np.unique(arr_flat, return_index=True)[1]] = True mask_duplicates = np.where(mask, False, True).reshape(arr.shape) return mask_duplicates
[docs] def detect_format(self) -> str: """Detect format of a dataset. Yet supported are 'CF', 'SCRIP', 'xESMF'. Returns ------- str The format, if supported. Else raises an Exception. """ return clidu.detect_format(ds=self.ds)
[docs] def detect_type(self) -> str: """Detect type of the grid as one of "regular_lat_lon", "curvilinear", or "unstructured". Otherwise, will issue an Exception if grid type is not supported. Returns ------- str The detected grid type. """ # TODO: Extend for other formats for regular_lat_lon, curvilinear / rotated_pole, unstructured if self.format == "CF": # 1D coordinate variables if self.ds[].ndim == 1 and self.ds[self.lon].ndim == 1: lat_1D = self.ds[].dims[0] lon_1D = self.ds[self.lon].dims[0] # if lat_1D in ds[var].dims and lon_1D in ds[var].dims: if not self.lat_bnds or not self.lon_bnds: if lat_1D == lon_1D: return "unstructured" else: return "regular_lat_lon" else: if ( lat_1D == lon_1D and all( [ self.ds[bnds].ndim == 2 for bnds in [self.lon_bnds, self.lat_bnds] ] ) and all( [ self.ds.dims[dim] > 2 for dim in [ self.ds[self.lon_bnds].dims[-1], self.ds[self.lat_bnds].dims[-1], ] ] ) ): return "unstructured" elif all( [ self.ds[bnds].ndim == 2 for bnds in [self.lon_bnds, self.lat_bnds] ] ) and all( [ self.ds.dims[dim] == 2 for dim in [ self.ds[self.lon_bnds].dims[-1], self.ds[self.lat_bnds].dims[-1], ] ] ): return "regular_lat_lon" else: raise Exception("The grid type is not supported.") # 2D coordinate variables elif self.ds[].ndim == 2 and self.ds[self.lon].ndim == 2: # Test for curvilinear or restructure lat/lon coordinate variables # TODO: Check if regular_lat_lon despite 2D # - requires additional function checking # lat[:,i]==lat[:,j] for all i,j # lon[i,:]==lon[j,:] for all i,j # - and if that is the case to extract lat/lon and *_bnds # lat[:]=lat[:,j], lon[:]=lon[j,:] # lat_bnds[:, 2]=[min(lat_bnds[:,j, :]), max(lat_bnds[:,j, :])] # lon_bnds similar if not self.ds[].shape == self.ds[self.lon].shape: raise Exception("The grid type is not supported.") else: if not self.lat_bnds or not self.lon_bnds: return "curvilinear" else: # Shape of curvilinear bounds either [nlat, nlon, 4] or [nlat+1, nlon+1] if list(self.ds[].shape) + [4] == list( self.ds[self.lat_bnds].shape ) and list(self.ds[self.lon].shape) + [4] == list( self.ds[self.lon_bnds].shape ): return "curvilinear" elif [si + 1 for si in self.ds[].shape] == list( self.ds[self.lat_bnds].shape ) and [si + 1 for si in self.ds[self.lon].shape] == list( self.ds[self.lon_bnds].shape ): return "curvilinear" else: raise Exception("The grid type is not supported.") # >2D coordinate variables, or coordinate variables of different dimensionality else: raise Exception("The grid type is not supported.") # Other formats else: raise Exception( "Grid type can only be determined for datasets following the CF conventions." )
[docs] def detect_extent(self) -> str: """Determine the grid extent in zonal / east-west direction ('regional' or 'global'). Returns ------- str 'regional' or 'global'. """ # TODO: support Units "rad" next to "degree ..." # TODO: additionally check that leftmost and rightmost lon_bnds touch for each row? # # TODO: perform a roll if necessary in case the longitude values are not in the range (0,360) # - Grids that range for example from (-1. , 359.) # - Grids that are totally out of range, like GFDL (-300, 60) # ds=dataset_utils.check_lon_alignment(ds, (0,360)) # does not work yet for this purpose # Determine min/max lon/lat values xfirst = float(self.ds[self.lon].min()) xlast = float(self.ds[self.lon].max()) yfirst = float(self.ds[].min()) ylast = float(self.ds[].max()) # Perform roll if necessary if xfirst < 0: self.ds, low, high = clidu.cf_convert_between_lon_frames( self.ds, [-180.0, 180.0] ) else: self.ds, low, high = clidu.cf_convert_between_lon_frames( self.ds, [0.0, 360.0] ) # Determine min/max lon/lat values xfirst = float(self.ds[self.lon].min()) xlast = float(self.ds[self.lon].max()) # Approximate the grid resolution if self.ds[self.lon].ndim == 2 and self.ds[].ndim == 2: xsize = self.nlon ysize = self.nlat xinc = (xlast - xfirst) / (xsize - 1) yinc = (ylast - yfirst) / (ysize - 1) approx_res = (xinc + yinc) / 2.0 elif self.ds[self.lon].ndim == 1: if self.type == "unstructured": # Distribute the number of grid cells to nlat and nlon, # in proportion to extent in zonal and meridional direction # TODO: Alternatively one can use the kdtree method to calculate the approx. resolution # once it is implemented here xsize = int( sqrt(abs(xlast - xfirst) / abs(ylast - yfirst) * self.ncells) ) ysize = int( sqrt(abs(ylast - yfirst) / abs(xlast - xfirst) * self.ncells) ) xinc = (xlast - xfirst) / (xsize - 1) yinc = (ylast - yfirst) / (ysize - 1) approx_res = (xinc + yinc) / 2.0 else: approx_res = np.average( np.absolute( self.ds[self.lon].values[1:] - self.ds[self.lon].values[:-1] ) ) else: raise Exception( "Only 1D and 2D longitude and latitude coordinate variables supported." ) # Check the range of the lon values atol = 2.0 * approx_res lon_max = float(self.ds[self.lon].max()) lon_min = float(self.ds[self.lon].min()) if lon_min < -atol and lon_min > -180.0 - atol and lon_max < 180.0 + atol: min_range, max_range = (-180.0, 180.0) elif lon_min > -atol and lon_max < 360.0 + atol: min_range, max_range = (0.0, 360.0) # TODO: for shifted longitudes, eg. (-300,60)? I forgot what it was for but likely it is irrelevant # elif lon_min < -180.0 - atol or lon_max > 360.0 + atol: # raise Exception( # "The longitude values have to be within the range (-180, 360)!" # ) # elif lon_max - lon_min > 360.0 - atol and lon_max - lon_min < 360.0 + atol: # min_range, max_range = ( # lon_min - approx_xres / 2.0, # lon_max + approx_xres / 2.0, # ) elif np.isclose(lon_min, lon_max): raise Exception( "Remapping zonal mean datasets or generally datasets without meridional extent is not supported." ) else: raise Exception( "The longitude values have to be within the range (-180, 360)." ) # Generate a histogram with bins for sections along a latitudinal circle, # width of the bins/sections dependent on the resolution in x-direction extent_hist = np.histogram( self.ds[self.lon], bins=np.arange(min_range - approx_res, max_range + approx_res, atol), ) # If the counts for all bins are greater than zero, the grid is considered global in x-direction # Yet, this information is only needed for xesmf.Regridder, as "periodic in longitude" # and hence, the extent in y-direction does not matter. # If at some point the qualitative extent in y-direction has to be checked, one needs to # take into account that global ocean grids often tend to end at the antarctic coast and do not # reach up to -90°S. if np.all(extent_hist[0]): return "global" else: return "regional"
def _detect_mask(self): """Detect mask helper function. Warning ------- Not yet implemented, if at all necessary (e.g. for reformatting to SCRIP etc.). """ # TODO # Plan: # Depending on the format, the mask is stored as extra variable. # If self.format=="CF": An extra variable mask could be generated from missing values? # This could be an extra function of the reformatter with target format xESMF/SCRIP/... # For CF as target format, this mask could be applied to mask the data for all variables that # are not coordinate or auxiliary variables (infer from attributes if possible). # If a vertical dimension is present, this should not be done. # In general one might be better off with the adaptive masking and this would be # just a nice to have thing in case of reformatting and storing the grid on disk. # ds["mask"]=xr.where(~np.isnan(ds['var'].isel(time=0)), 1, 0).astype(int) return
[docs] def detect_shape(self) -> tuple[int, int, int]: """Detect the shape of the grid. Returns a tuple of (nlat, nlon, ncells). For an unstructured grid nlat and nlon are not defined and therefore the returned tuple will be (ncells, ncells, ncells). Returns ------- int Number of latitude points in the grid. int Number of longitude points in the grid. int Number of cells in the grid. """ # Call clisops.utils.dataset_utils function return clidu.detect_shape( ds=self.ds,, lon=self.lon, grid_type=self.type )
[docs] def detect_coordinate(self, coord_type: str) -> str: """Use cf_xarray to obtain the variable name of the requested coordinate. Parameters ---------- coord_type : str Coordinate type understood by cf-xarray, eg. 'lat', 'lon', ... Raises ------ AttributeError Raised if the requested coordinate cannot be identified. Returns ------- str Coordinate variable name. """ # Make use of cf-xarray accessor coord =[coord_type] # coord = get_coord_by_type(self.ds, coord_type, ignore_aux_coords=False) # Return the name of the coordinate variable try: return except AttributeError: raise AttributeError( "A %s coordinate cannot be identified in the dataset." % coord_type )
[docs] def detect_bounds(self, coordinate: str) -> str | None: """Use cf_xarray to obtain the variable name of the requested coordinates bounds. Parameters ---------- coordinate : str Name of the coordinate variable to determine the bounds from. Returns ------- str, optional Returns the variable name of the requested coordinate bounds. Returns None if the variable has no bounds or if they cannot be identified. """ try: return[coordinate][0] except (KeyError, AttributeError): warnings.warn( "For coordinate variable '%s' no bounds can be identified." % coordinate ) return
def _grid_detect_collapsed_cells(self): """Detect collapsing grid cells. Requires defined bounds.""" mask_lat = self._create_collapse_mask(self.ds[self.lat_bnds].data) mask_lon = self._create_collapse_mask(self.ds[self.lon_bnds].data) # for regular lat-lon grids, create 2D coordinate arrays if ( mask_lat.shape != mask_lon.shape and mask_lat.ndim == 1 and mask_lon.ndim == 1 ): mask_lon, mask_lat = np.meshgrid(mask_lon, mask_lat) self.coll_mask = mask_lat | mask_lon self.contains_collapsed_cells = bool(np.any(self.coll_mask)) @staticmethod def _create_collapse_mask(arr): """Grid cells collapsing to lines or points.""" orig_shape = arr.shape[:-1] # [nlon, nlat, nbnds] -> [nlon, nlat] arr_flat = arr.reshape(-1, arr.shape[-1]) # -> [nlon x nlat, nbnds] arr_set = np.apply_along_axis(lambda x: len(set(x)), -1, arr_flat) mask = np.zeros(arr_flat.shape[:-1], dtype=bool) mask[arr_set == 1] = True return mask.reshape(orig_shape) def _cap_precision(self, decimals: int) -> None: """Round horizontal coordinate variables to specified precision using numpy.around. Parameters ---------- decimals : int The decimal position / precision to round to. Returns ------- None """ # TODO: extend for vertical axis for vertical interpolation usecase # 6 decimals corresponds to hor. precision of ~ 0.1m (deg), 6m (rad) coord_dict = {} attr_dict = {} encoding_dict = {} # Assign the rounded values as new coordinate variables for coord in [self.lat_bnds, self.lon_bnds,, self.lon]: if coord: attr_dict.update({coord: self.ds[coord].attrs}) encoding_dict.update({coord: self.ds[coord].encoding}) coord_dict.update( { coord: ( self.ds[coord].dims, np.around(self.ds[coord].data.astype(np.float64), decimals), ) } ) # Restore the original attributes if coord_dict: self.ds = self.ds.assign_coords(coord_dict) # Restore attrs and encoding - is there a proper way to do this?? (TODO) for coord in [self.lat_bnds, self.lon_bnds,, self.lon]: if coord: self.ds[coord].attrs = attr_dict[coord] self.ds[coord].encoding = encoding_dict[coord] def _compute_hash(self) -> str: """Compute md5 checksum of each component of the horizontal grid, including a potentially defined mask. Stores the individual checksum of each component (lat, lon, lat_bnds, lon_bnds, mask) in a dictionary and returns an overall checksum. Returns ------- str md5 checksum of the checksums of all 5 grid components. """ # Create dictionary including the hashes for each grid component and store it as attribute self.hash_dict = OrderedDict() for coord, coord_var in OrderedDict( [ ("lat",, ("lon", self.lon), ("lat_bnds", self.lat_bnds), ("lon_bnds", self.lon_bnds), ("mask", self.mask), ] ).items(): if coord_var: self.hash_dict[coord] = md5( str(self.ds[coord_var].values.tobytes()).encode("utf-8") ).hexdigest() else: self.hash_dict[coord] = md5(b"undefined").hexdigest() # Return overall checksum for all 5 components return md5("".join(self.hash_dict.values()).encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
[docs] def compare_grid( self, ds_or_Grid: xr.Dataset | Grid, verbose: bool = False ) -> bool: """Compare two Grid objects. Will compare the checksum of two Grid objects, which depend on the lat and lon coordinate variables, their bounds and if defined, a mask. Parameters ---------- ds_or_Grid : xarray.Dataset or Grid Grid that the current Grid object shall be compared to. verbose : bool Whether to also print the result. The default is False. Returns ------- bool Returns True if the two Grids are considered identical within the defined precision, else returns False. """ # Create temporary Grid object if ds_or_Grid is an xarray object if isinstance(ds_or_Grid, xr.Dataset) or isinstance(ds_or_Grid, xr.DataArray): grid_tmp = Grid(ds=ds_or_Grid) elif isinstance(ds_or_Grid, Grid): grid_tmp = ds_or_Grid else: raise InvalidParameterValue( "The provided input has to be of one of the types [xarray.DataArray, xarray.Dataset, clisops.core.Grid]." ) # Compare each of the five components and print result if verbose is active if verbose: diff = [ coord_var for coord_var in self.hash_dict if self.hash_dict[coord_var] != grid_tmp.hash_dict[coord_var] ] if len(diff) > 0: print(f"The two grids differ in their respective {', '.join(diff)}.") else: print("The two grids are considered equal.") # Return the result as boolean return grid_tmp.hash == self.hash
def _drop_vars(self, keep_attrs: bool = False) -> None: """Remove all non-necessary (non-horizontal) coords and data_vars of the Grids' xarray.Dataset. Parameters ---------- keep_attrs : bool Whether to keep the global attributes. The default is False. """ to_keep = [ var for var in [, self.lon, self.lat_bnds, self.lon_bnds] if var ] to_drop = [ var for var in list(self.ds.data_vars) + list(self.ds.coords) if var not in to_keep ] if not keep_attrs: self.ds.attrs = {} self.ds = self.ds.drop_vars(names=to_drop) def _transfer_coords( self, source_grid: Grid, keep_attrs: str | bool = True ) -> None: """Transfer all non-horizontal coordinates and optionally global attributes between two Grid objects. Parameters ---------- source_grid : Grid Source Grid object to transfer the coords from. keep_attrs : bool or str, optional Whether to transfer also the global attributes. False: do not transfer the global attributes. "target": preserve the global attributes of the target Grid object. True: transfer the global attributes from source to target Grid object. The default is True. Returns ------- None """ # Skip all coords with horizontal dimensions or # coords with no dimensions that are not listed # in the coordinates attribute of the data_vars dims_to_skip = set( source_grid.ds[].dims + source_grid.ds[source_grid.lon].dims ) coordinates_attr = [] for var in source_grid.ds.data_vars: cattr = ChainMap( source_grid.ds[var].attrs, source_grid.ds[var].encoding ).get("coordinates", "") if cattr: coordinates_attr += cattr.split() to_skip = [ var for var in list(source_grid.ds.coords) if source_grid.ds[var].ndim == 0 and var not in coordinates_attr ] to_transfer = [ var for var in list(source_grid.ds.coords) if all([dim not in source_grid.ds[var].dims for dim in dims_to_skip]) ] coord_dict = {} for coord in to_transfer: if coord not in to_skip: coord_dict.update({coord: source_grid.ds[coord]}) if not keep_attrs: self.ds.attrs = {} elif keep_attrs == "target": pass # attrs will be the original target grid values elif keep_attrs: self.ds.attrs.update(source_grid.ds.attrs) else: raise InvalidParameterValue("Illegal value for the parameter 'keep_attrs'.") self.ds = self.ds.assign_coords(coord_dict) def _set_data_vars_and_coords(self): """(Re)set xarray.Dataset.coords appropriately. After opening/creating an xarray.Dataset, likely coordinates can be found set as data_vars, and data_vars set as coords. This method (re)sets the coords. Dimensionless variables that are not registered in any "coordinates" attribute are per default reset to data_vars, so xarray does not keep them in the dataset after remapping; an example for this is "rotated_latitude_longitude". """ to_coord = [] to_datavar = [] # Collect all (dimensionless) coordinates coordinates_attr = [] for var in self.ds.data_vars: cattr = ChainMap(self.ds[var].attrs, self.ds[var].encoding).get( "coordinates", "" ) if cattr: coordinates_attr += cattr.split() # Also add cell_measure variables cell_measures = list() for cmtype, cm in cell_measures += cm # Set as coord for auxiliary coord. variables not supposed to be remapped if self.ds[].ndim == 2: for var in self.ds.data_vars: if var in cell_measures: to_coord.append(var) elif self.ds[var].ndim < 2 and ( self.ds[var].ndim > 0 or var in coordinates_attr ): to_coord.append(var) elif self.ds[var].ndim == 0: continue elif self.ds[var].shape[-2:] != self.ds[].shape: to_coord.append(var) elif self.ds[].ndim == 1: for var in self.ds.data_vars: if var in cell_measures: to_coord.append(var) continue elif self.ds[var].ndim == 0 and var in coordinates_attr: to_coord.append(var) continue elif self.type == "unstructured": if ( len(self.ds[var].shape) > 0 and (self.ds[var].shape[-1],) != self.ds[].shape ): to_coord.append(var) else: if not ( self.ds[var].shape[-2:] == (self.nlat, self.nlon) or self.ds[var].shape[-2:] == (self.nlon, self.nlat) ): to_coord.append(var) # Set coordinate bounds as coords for var in [bnd for bnds in for bnd in bnds]: if var in self.ds.data_vars: to_coord.append(var) # Reset coords for variables supposed to be remapped (eg. ps) for var in self.ds.coords: if var not in [, self.lon] + [ bnd for bnds in for bnd in bnds ]: if var in cell_measures: continue elif self.ds[var].ndim == 0 and var not in coordinates_attr: to_datavar.append(var) elif self.type == "unstructured": if len(self.ds[var].shape) > 0 and ( self.ds[var].shape[-1] == self.ncells and self.ds[var].dims[-1] in self.ds[].dims and var not in self.ds.dims ): to_datavar.append(var) else: if ( len(self.ds[var].shape) > 0 and ( self.ds[var].shape[-2:] == (self.nlat, self.nlon) or self.ds[var].shape[-2:] == (self.nlon, self.nlat) ) and all( [ dim in self.ds[var].dims for dim in list(self.ds[].dims) + list(self.ds[self.lon].dims) ] ) ): to_datavar.append(var) # Call xarray.Dataset.(re)set_coords if to_coord: self.ds = self.ds.set_coords(list(set(to_coord))) if to_datavar: self.ds = self.ds.reset_coords(list(set(to_datavar))) def _compute_bounds(self): """Compute bounds for regular (rectangular or curvilinear) grids. The bounds will be attached as coords to the xarray.Dataset of the Grid object. If no bounds can be created, a warning is issued. """ # TODO: This can be a public method as well, but then collapsing grid cells have # to be detected within this function. # Bounds cannot be computed if there are duplicated cells if self.contains_duplicated_cells: raise Exception( "This grid contains duplicated cell centers. Therefore bounds cannot be computed." ) # Bounds are only possible for xarray.Datasets if not isinstance(self.ds, xr.Dataset): raise InvalidParameterValue( "Bounds can only be attached to xarray.Datasets, not to xarray.DataArrays." ) if ( np.amin(self.ds[].values) < -90.0 or np.amax(self.ds[].values) > 90.0 ): warnings.warn( "At least one latitude value exceeds [-90,90]. The bounds could not be calculated." ) return if self.ncells < 3: warnings.warn( "The latitude and longitude axes need at least 3 entries" " to be able to calculate the bounds." ) return # Use clisops.utils.dataset_utils functions to generate the bounds if self.format == "CF": if ( np.amin(self.ds[].values) < -90.0 or np.amax(self.ds[].values) > 90.0 ): warnings.warn("At least one latitude value exceeds [-90,90].") return if self.ncells < 3: warnings.warn( "The latitude and longitude axes need at least 3 entries" " to be able to calculate the bounds." ) return if self.type == "curvilinear": self.ds = clidu.generate_bounds_curvilinear( ds=self.ds,, lon=self.lon ) elif self.type == "regular_lat_lon": self.ds = clidu.generate_bounds_rectilinear( ds=self.ds,, lon=self.lon ) else: warnings.warn( "The bounds cannot be calculated for grid_type '%s' and format '%s'." % (self.type, self.format) ) return # Add common set of attributes and set as coordinates self.ds = self.ds.set_coords(["lat_bnds", "lon_bnds"]) self.ds = clidu.add_hor_CF_coord_attrs( ds=self.ds,, lon=self.lon ) # Set the Class attributes self.lat_bnds = "lat_bnds" self.lon_bnds = "lon_bnds" # Issue warning warnings.warn( "Successfully calculated a set of latitude and longitude bounds." " They might, however, differ from the actual bounds of the model grid." ) else: warnings.warn( "The bounds cannot be calculated for grid_type '%s' and format '%s'." % (self.type, self.format) ) return
[docs] def to_netcdf( self, folder: str | Path | None = "./", filename: str | None = "", grid_format: str | None = "CF", keep_attrs: bool | None = True, ): """Store a copy of the horizontal Grid as netCDF file on disk. Define output folder, filename and output format (currently only 'CF' is supported). Does not overwrite an existing file. Parameters ---------- folder : str or Path, optional Output folder. The default is the current working directory "./". filename : str, optional Output filename, to be defined separately from folder. The default is 'grid_<>.nc'. grid_format : str, optional The format the grid information shall be stored as (in terms of variable attributes and dimensions). The default is "CF", which is also the only supported output format currently supported. keep_attrs : bool, optional Whether to store the global attributes in the output netCDF file. The default is True. """ # Check inputs if filename: if "/" in str(filename): raise Exception( "Target directory and filename have to be passed separately." ) filename = Path(folder, filename).as_posix() else: filename = Path(folder, "grid_" + self.hash + ".nc").as_posix() # Write to disk (just horizontal coordinate variables + global attrs) # if not written by another process if not os.path.isfile(filename): LOCK = filename + ".lock" lock_obj = FileLock(LOCK) try: lock_obj.acquire(timeout=10) locked = False except Exception as exc: if str(exc) == f"Could not obtain file lock on {LOCK}": locked = True else: locked = False if locked: warnings.warn( f"Could not write grid '{filename}' to cache because a lockfile of " "another process exists." ) else: try: # Create a copy of the Grid object with just the horizontal grid information grid_tmp = Grid(ds=self.ds) if grid_tmp.format != grid_format: grid_tmp.reformat(grid_format) grid_tmp._drop_vars(keep_attrs=keep_attrs) grid_tmp.ds.attrs.update({"clisops": __clisops_version__}) # Workaround for the following "features" of xarray: # 1 # "When an xarray Dataset contains non-dimensional coordinates that do not # share dimensions with any of the variables, these coordinate variable # names are saved under a “global” "coordinates" attribute. This is not # CF-compliant but again facilitates roundtripping of xarray datasets." # 2 # "By default, variables with float types are attributed a _FillValue of NaN # in the output file, unless explicitly disabled with an encoding # {'_FillValue': None}." if grid_tmp.lat_bnds and grid_tmp.lon_bnds: grid_tmp.ds = grid_tmp.ds.reset_coords( [grid_tmp.lat_bnds, grid_tmp.lon_bnds] ) grid_tmp.ds[grid_tmp.lat_bnds].encoding["_FillValue"] = None grid_tmp.ds[grid_tmp.lon_bnds].encoding["_FillValue"] = None # Call to_netcdf method of xarray.Dataset grid_tmp.ds.to_netcdf(filename) finally: lock_obj.release() else: # Issue a warning if the file already exists # Not raising an exception since this method is also used to save # grid files to the local cache warnings.warn(f"The file '{Path(folder, filename)}' already exists.")
[docs] class Weights: """Creates remapping weights out of two Grid objects serving as source and target grid. Reads weights from cache if possible. Reads weights from disk if specified (not yet implemented). In the latter case, the weight file format has to be supported, to reformat it to xESMF format. Parameters ---------- grid_in : Grid Grid object serving as source grid. grid_out : Grid Grid object serving as target grid. method : str Remapping method the weights should be / have been calculated with. One of ["nearest_s2d", "bilinear", "conservative", "patch"] if weights have to be calculated. Free text if weights are read from disk. from_disk : str, optional Not yet implemented. Instead of calculating the regridding weights (or reading them from the cache), read them from disk. The default is None. format: str, optional Not yet implemented. When reading weights from disk, the input format may be specified. If omitted, there will be an attempt to detect the format. The default is None. """ @require_xesmf @require_older_xarray def __init__( self, grid_in: Grid, grid_out: Grid, method: str, from_disk: str | Path | None = None, format: str | None = None, ): """Initialize Weights object, incl. calculating / reading the weights.""" if not isinstance(grid_in, Grid) or not isinstance(grid_out, Grid): raise InvalidParameterValue( "Input and output grids have to be instances of clisops.core.Grid." ) self.grid_in = grid_in self.grid_out = grid_out self.method = method # Compare source and target grid if grid_in.hash == grid_out.hash: raise Exception( "The selected source and target grids are the same. " "No regridding operation required." ) # Periodic in longitude # TODO: properly test / check the periodic attribute of the xESMF Regridder. # The grid.extent check done here might not be suitable to set the periodic attribute: # global == is grid periodic in longitude self.periodic = False try: if self.grid_in.extent == "global": self.periodic = True except AttributeError: # forced to False for conservative regridding in xesmf # TODO: check if this is proper behaviour of xesmf if self.method not in ["conservative", "conservative_normed"]: warnings.warn( "The grid extent could not be accessed. " "It will be assumed that the input grid is not periodic in longitude." ) # Activate ignore degenerate cells setting if collapsing cells are found within the grids. # The default setting within ESMF is None, not False! self.ignore_degenerate = ( True if ( self.grid_in.contains_collapsed_cells or self.grid_out.contains_collapsed_cells ) else None ) = self._generate_id() self.filename = "weights_" + + ".nc" if not from_disk: # Read weights from cache or compute & save to cache self.format = "xESMF" self._compute() else: # Read weights from disk self._load_from_disk(filename=from_disk, format=format) # Reformat and cache the weights if required if not self.tool.startswith("xESMF"): raise NotImplementedError( f"Reading and reformatting weight files generated by {self.tool} is not supported. " "The only supported weight file format that is currently supported is xESMF." ) self.format = self._detect_format() self._reformat("xESMF") def _compute(self): """Generate the weights with xESMF or read them from cache.""" # Read weights_dir from CONFIG weights_dir = CONFIG["clisops:grid_weights"]["local_weights_dir"] # Check if bounds are present in case of conservative remapping if self.method in ["conservative", "conservative_normed"] and ( not self.grid_in.lat_bnds or not self.grid_in.lon_bnds or not self.grid_out.lat_bnds or not self.grid_out.lon_bnds ): raise Exception( "For conservative remapping, horizontal grid bounds have to be defined for the source and target grids." ) # Use "Locstream" functionality of xESMF as workaround for unstructured grids. # Yet, the locstream functionality only supports the nearest neighbour remapping method locstream_in = False locstream_out = False if self.grid_in.type == "unstructured": locstream_in = True if self.grid_out.type == "unstructured": locstream_out = True if any([locstream_in, locstream_out]) and self.method != "nearest_s2d": raise NotImplementedError( "For unstructured grids, the only supported remapping method that is currently supported " "is nearest neighbour." ) # Read weights from cache (= reuse weights) if they are not currently written # to the cache by another process # Note: xESMF writes weights to disk if filename is specified and reuse_weights==False # (latter is default) else it will create a default filename and weights can # be manually written to disk with Regridder.to_netcdf(filename). # Weights are read from disk by xESMF if filename is specified and reuse_weights==True. lock_obj = create_lock(Path(weights_dir, self.filename + ".lock").as_posix()) if not lock_obj: warnings.warn( f"Could not reuse cached weights '{self.filename}' because a " "lockfile of another process exists that is writing to that file." ) reuse_weights = False regridder_filename = None else: regridder_filename = Path(weights_dir, self.filename).as_posix() if os.path.isfile(regridder_filename): reuse_weights = True else: reuse_weights = False try: # Read the tool & version the weights have been computed with - backup: current version self.tool = self._read_info_from_cache("tool") if not self.tool: self.tool = "xESMF_v" + xe.__version__ # Call xesmf.Regridder self.regridder = xe.Regridder( self.grid_in.ds, self.grid_out.ds, self.method, periodic=self.periodic, locstream_in=locstream_in, locstream_out=locstream_out, ignore_degenerate=self.ignore_degenerate, unmapped_to_nan=True, filename=regridder_filename, reuse_weights=reuse_weights, ) # Save Weights to cache self._save_to_cache(lock_obj) finally: # Release file lock if lock_obj: lock_obj.release() # The default filename is important for later use, so it needs to be reset. self.regridder.filename = self.regridder._get_default_filename() def _generate_id(self) -> str: """Create a unique id for a Weights object. The id consists of - hashes / checksums of source and target grid (namely lat, lon, lat_bnds, lon_bnds variables) - info about periodicity in longitude - info about collapsing cells - remapping method Returns ------- str The id as str. """ peri_dict = {True: "peri", False: "unperi"} ignore_degenerate_dict = { None: "no-degen", True: "skip-degen", False: "no-skip-degen", } wid = "_".join( filter( None, [ self.grid_in.hash, self.grid_out.hash, peri_dict[self.periodic], ignore_degenerate_dict[self.ignore_degenerate], self.method, ], ) ) return wid @check_weights_dir def _save_to_cache(self, store_weights: FileLock | None | bool) -> None: """Save Weights and source/target grids to cache (netCDF), including metadata (JSON).""" # Read weights_dir from CONFIG weights_dir = CONFIG["clisops:grid_weights"]["local_weights_dir"] # Compile metadata grid_in_source = self.grid_in.ds.encoding.get("source", "") grid_out_source = self.grid_out.ds.encoding.get("source", "") grid_in_tracking_id = self.grid_in.ds.attrs.get("tracking_id", "") grid_out_tracking_id = self.grid_out.ds.attrs.get("tracking_id", "") weights_dic = { "source_uid": self.grid_in.hash, "target_uid": self.grid_out.hash, "source_lat":, "source_lon": self.grid_in.lon, "source_lat_bnds": self.grid_in.lat_bnds, "source_lon_bnds": self.grid_in.lon_bnds, "source_nlat": self.grid_in.nlat, "source_nlon": self.grid_in.nlon, "source_ncells": self.grid_in.ncells, "source_type": self.grid_in.type, "source_format": self.grid_in.format, "source_extent": self.grid_in.extent, "source_source": grid_in_source, "source_tracking_id": grid_in_tracking_id, "target_lat":, "target_lon": self.grid_out.lon, "target_lat_bnds": self.grid_out.lat_bnds, "target_lon_bnds": self.grid_out.lon_bnds, "target_nlat": self.grid_out.nlat, "target_nlon": self.grid_out.nlon, "target_ncells": self.grid_out.ncells, "target_type": self.grid_out.type, "target_format": self.grid_out.format, "target_extent": self.grid_out.extent, "target_source": grid_out_source, "target_tracking_id": grid_out_tracking_id, "format": self.format, "ignore_degenerate": str(self.ignore_degenerate), "periodic": str(self.periodic), "method": self.method, "uid":, "filename": self.filename, "def_filename": self.regridder._get_default_filename(), "tool": self.tool, } # Save Grid objects to cache self.grid_in.to_netcdf(folder=weights_dir) self.grid_out.to_netcdf(folder=weights_dir) # Save Weights object (netCDF) and metadata (JSON) to cache if desired # (usually, if no lockfile exists) if store_weights: if not os.path.isfile(Path(weights_dir, self.filename).as_posix()): self.regridder.to_netcdf(Path(weights_dir, self.filename).as_posix()) if not os.path.isfile( Path(weights_dir, Path(self.filename).stem + ".json").as_posix() ): with open( Path(weights_dir, Path(self.filename).stem + ".json").as_posix(), "w", ) as weights_dic_path: json.dump(weights_dic, weights_dic_path, sort_keys=True, indent=4) @check_weights_dir def _read_info_from_cache(self, key: str) -> str | None: """Read info 'key' from cached metadata of current weight-file. Returns the value for the given key, unless the key does not exist in the metadata or the file cannot be read. In this case, None is returned. Parameters ---------- key : str Returns ------- str or None Value for the given key, or None. """ # Read weights_dir from CONFIG weights_dir = CONFIG["clisops:grid_weights"]["local_weights_dir"] # Return requested value if weight and metadata files are present, else return None if os.path.isfile( Path(weights_dir, self.filename).as_posix() ) and os.path.isfile( Path(weights_dir, Path(self.filename).stem + ".json").as_posix() ): with open( Path(weights_dir, Path(self.filename).stem + ".json").as_posix() ) as f: weights_dic = json.load(f) try: return weights_dic[key] except KeyError: warnings.warn( f"Requested info {key} does not exist in the metadata" " of the cached weights." ) return else: return
[docs] def save_to_disk(self, filename=None, wformat: str = "xESMF") -> None: """Write weights to disk in a certain format. Warning ------- This method is not yet implemented. """ # TODO: if necessary, reformat weights, then save under specified path. raise NotImplementedError()
def _load_from_disk(self, filename=None, format=None) -> None: """Read and process weights from disk. Warning ------- This method is not yet implemented. """ # TODO: Reformat to other weight-file formats when loading/saving from disk # if format != "xESMF": # read file, compare Grid and weight matrix dimensions, # reformat to xESMF sparse matrix and initialize xesmf.Regridder, # generate_id, set ignore_degenerate, periodic, method to unknown if cannot be determined raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def reformat(self, format_from: str, format_to: str) -> None: """Reformat remapping weights. Warning ------- This method is not yet implemented. """ raise NotImplementedError()
def _detect_format(self, ds: xr.Dataset | xr.DataArray) -> None: """Detect format of remapping weights (read from disk). Warning ------- This method is not yet implemented. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @require_xesmf @require_older_xarray def regrid( grid_in: Grid, grid_out: Grid, weights: Weights, adaptive_masking_threshold: float | None = 0.5, keep_attrs: bool | str = True, ) -> xr.Dataset: """Perform regridding operation including dealing with dataset and variable attributes. Parameters ---------- grid_in : Grid Grid object of the source grid, e.g. created out of source xarray.Dataset. grid_out : Grid Grid object of the target grid. weights : Weights Weights object, as created by using grid_in and grid_out Grid objects as input. adaptive_masking_threshold : float, optional (AMT) A value within the [0., 1.] interval that defines the maximum `RATIO` of missing_values amongst the total number of data values contributing to the calculation of the target grid cell value. For a fraction [0., AMT[ of the contributing source data missing, the target grid cell will be set to missing_value, else, it will be re-normalized by the factor `1./(1.-RATIO)`. Thus, if AMT is set to 1, all source grid cells that contribute to a target grid cell must be missing in order for the target grid cell to be defined as missing itself. Values greater than 1 or less than 0 will cause adaptive masking to be turned off. This adaptive masking technique allows to reuse generated weights for differently masked data (e.g. land-sea masks or orographic masks that vary with depth / height). The default is 0.5. keep_attrs : bool or str Sets the global attributes of the resulting dataset, apart from the ones set by this routine: True: attributes of grid_in.ds will be in the resulting dataset. False: no attributes but the ones newly set by this routine "target": attributes of grid_out.ds will be in the resulting dataset. The default is True. Returns ------- xarray.Dataset The regridded data in form of an xarray.Dataset. """ if not isinstance(grid_out.ds, xr.Dataset): raise InvalidParameterValue( "The target Grid object 'grid_out' has to be built from an xarray.Dataset" " and not an xarray.DataArray." ) # Duplicated cells / Halo if grid_in.contains_duplicated_cells: warnings.warn( "The grid of the selected dataset contains duplicated cells. " "For the conservative remapping method, " "duplicated grid cells contribute to the resulting value, " "which is in most parts counter-acted by the applied re-normalization. " "However, please be wary with the results and consider removing / masking " "the duplicated cells before remapping." ) # Create attrs attrs_append = {} if isinstance(grid_in.ds, xr.Dataset): if "grid" in grid_in.ds.attrs: attrs_append["grid_original"] = grid_in.ds.attrs["grid"] if "grid_label" in grid_in.ds.attrs: attrs_append["grid_label_original"] = grid_in.ds.attrs["grid_label"] nom_res_o = grid_in.ds.attrs.pop("nominal_resolution", None) if nom_res_o: attrs_append["nominal_resolution_original"] = nom_res_o # TODO: should nominal_resolution of the target grid be calculated if not specified in the attr? nom_res_n = grid_out.ds.attrs.pop("nominal_resolution", None) if nom_res_n: attrs_append["nominal_resolution"] = nom_res_n # Remove all unnecessary coords, data_vars (and optionally attrs) from grid_out.ds if keep_attrs == "target": grid_out._drop_vars(keep_attrs=True) else: grid_out._drop_vars(keep_attrs=False) # TODO: It might in general be sufficient to always act as if the threshold was # set correctly and let xesmf handle it. But then we might not allow it for # the bilinear method, as the results do not look too great and I am still # not sure/convinced adaptive_masking makes sense for this method. # Allow Dataset and DataArray as input, but always return a Dataset if isinstance(grid_in.ds, xr.Dataset): for data_var in grid_in.ds.data_vars: if not all( [ dim in grid_in.ds[data_var].dims for dim in grid_in.ds[].dims + grid_in.ds[grid_in.lon].dims ] ): continue if weights.regridder.method in [ "conservative", "conservative_normed", "patch", ]: # Re-normalize at least contributions from duplicated cells, if adaptive masking is deactivated if ( adaptive_masking_threshold < 0 or adaptive_masking_threshold > 1 ) and grid_in.contains_duplicated_cells: adaptive_masking_threshold = 0.0 grid_out.ds[data_var] = weights.regridder( grid_in.ds[data_var], skipna=True, na_thres=adaptive_masking_threshold, ) else: grid_out.ds[data_var] = weights.regridder( grid_in.ds[data_var], skipna=False ) if keep_attrs: grid_out.ds[data_var].attrs.update(grid_in.ds[data_var].attrs) grid_out.ds[data_var].encoding.update(grid_in.ds[data_var].encoding) # Transfer all non-horizontal coords (and optionally attrs) from grid_in.ds to grid_out.ds grid_out._transfer_coords(grid_in, keep_attrs=keep_attrs) else: if ( weights.regridder.method in ["conservative", "conservative_normed", "patch"] and 0.0 <= adaptive_masking_threshold <= 1.0 ): grid_out.ds[] = weights.regridder( grid_in.ds, skipna=True, na_thres=adaptive_masking_threshold ) else: grid_out.ds[] = weights.regridder(grid_in.ds, skipna=False) if keep_attrs: grid_out.ds[].attrs.update(grid_in.ds.attrs) grid_out.ds[].encoding.update(grid_in.ds.encoding) # Add new attrs grid_out.ds.attrs.update(attrs_append) grid_out.ds.attrs.update( { "grid": grid_out.title, "grid_label": "gr", # regridded data reported on the data provider's preferred target grid "regrid_operation": weights.regridder.filename.split(".")[0], "regrid_tool": weights.tool, "regrid_weights_uid":, } ) return grid_out.ds