Source code for clisops.utils.output_utils

import math
import os
import shutil
import tempfile
import time
from datetime import datetime as dt
from datetime import timedelta as td
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Tuple, Union

import dask
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
from loguru import logger
from roocs_utils.utils.common import parse_size
from roocs_utils.xarray_utils import xarray_utils as xu

from clisops import CONFIG, chunk_memory_limit

    "netcdf": {"method": "to_netcdf", "extension": "nc"},
    "nc": {"method": "to_netcdf", "extension": "nc"},
    "zarr": {"method": "to_zarr", "extension": "zarr"},
    "xarray": {"method": None, "extension": None},


[docs] def check_format(fmt): """Checks requested format exists.""" if fmt not in SUPPORTED_FORMATS: raise KeyError( f'Format not recognised: "{fmt}". Must be one of: {SUPPORTED_FORMATS}.' )
[docs] def get_format_writer(fmt): """Finds the output method for the requested output format.""" check_format(fmt) return SUPPORTED_FORMATS[fmt]["method"]
[docs] def get_format_extension(fmt): """Finds the extension for the requested output format.""" check_format(fmt) return SUPPORTED_FORMATS[fmt]["extension"]
def _format_time(tm: Union[str, dt], fmt="%Y-%m-%d"): """Convert to datetime if time is a numpy datetime.""" if not hasattr(tm, "strftime"): tm = pd.to_datetime(str(tm)) return tm.strftime(fmt)
[docs] def filter_times_within(times, start=None, end=None): """ Takes an array of datetimes, returning a reduced array if start or end times are defined and are within the main array. """ filtered = [] for tm in times: ft = _format_time(tm, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") if start is not None and ft < start: continue if end is not None and ft > end: break filtered.append(tm) return filtered
[docs] def get_da(ds): """Returns xr.DataArray when format of ds may be either xr.Dataset or xr.DataArray.""" if isinstance(ds, xr.DataArray): da = ds else: var_id = xu.get_main_variable(ds) da = ds[var_id] return da
[docs] def get_time_slices( ds: Union[xr.Dataset, xr.DataArray], split_method, start=None, end=None, file_size_limit: str = None, ) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """ Take an xarray Dataset or DataArray, assume it can be split on the time axis into a sequence of slices. Optionally, take a start and end date to specify a sub-slice of the main time axis. Use the prescribed file size limit to generate a list of ("YYYY-MM-DD", "YYYY-MM-DD") slices so that the output files do not (significantly) exceed the file size limit. Parameters ---------- ds : Union[xr.Dataset, xr.DataArray] split_method start end file_size_limit : str a string specifying "<number><units>". Returns ------- List[Tuple[str, str]] """ if split_method not in SUPPORTED_SPLIT_METHODS: raise NotImplementedError( f"The split method {split_method} is not implemented." ) # Use default file size limit if not provided if not file_size_limit: file_size_limit = parse_size(CONFIG["clisops:write"]["file_size_limit"]) da = get_da(ds) slices = [] try: times = filter_times_within(da.time.values, start=start, end=end) # catch where "time" attribute cannot be accessed in ds except AttributeError: slices.append(None) return slices n_times = len(times) if n_times == 0: raise Exception(f"Zero time steps found between {start} and {end}.") n_slices = da.nbytes / file_size_limit slice_length = int(n_times // n_slices) if slice_length == 0: raise Exception("Unable to calculate slice length for splitting output files.") indx = 0 final_indx = n_times - 1 while indx <= final_indx: start_indx = indx indx += slice_length end_indx = indx - 1 if end_indx > final_indx: end_indx = final_indx slices.append( (f"{_format_time(times[start_indx])}", f"{_format_time(times[end_indx])}") ) return slices
[docs] def get_chunk_length(da): """Calculate the chunk length to use when chunking xarray datasets. Based on memory limit provided in config and the size of the dataset. """ size = da.nbytes n_times = len(da.time.values) mem_limit = parse_size(chunk_memory_limit) if size > 0: n_chunks = math.ceil(size / mem_limit) else: n_chunks = 1 chunk_length = math.ceil(n_times / n_chunks) return chunk_length
def _get_chunked_dataset(ds): """Chunk xr.Dataset and return chunked dataset.""" da = get_da(ds) chunk_length = get_chunk_length(da) chunked_ds = ds.chunk({"time": chunk_length}) return chunked_ds
[docs] def get_output(ds, output_type, output_dir, namer): """Return output after applying chunking and determining the output format and chunking.""" format_writer = get_format_writer(output_type)"format_writer={format_writer}, output_type={output_type}") # If there is no writer for this output type, just return the `ds` object if not format_writer:"Returning output as {type(ds)}") return ds # Use the file namer to get the required file name file_name = namer.get_file_name(ds, fmt=output_type) # Get the chunked Dataset object try: chunked_ds = _get_chunked_dataset(ds) # Catch where "time" attribute is not found in ds: # - just set the chunked Dataset to the original Dataset except AttributeError: chunked_ds = ds # If `output_dir` is not set, use current directory if not output_dir: output_dir = Path().cwd().expanduser() else: output_dir = Path(output_dir) # Set output path output_path = output_dir.joinpath(file_name).as_posix() # If "output_staging_dir" is set, then write outputs to a temporary # dir, then move them to the correct: output_path staging_dir = CONFIG["clisops:write"].get("output_staging_dir", "") if os.path.isdir(staging_dir): tmp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=staging_dir) fname = os.path.basename(output_path) target_path = os.path.join(, fname)"Writing to temporary path: {target_path}") else: target_path = output_path # TODO: writing output works currently only in sync mode, see: # - # - with dask.config.set(scheduler="synchronous"): writer = getattr(chunked_ds, format_writer) delayed_obj = writer(target_path, compute=False) delayed_obj.compute() # If "output_staging_dir" is set, then pause, move the output file, # and clean up the temporary directory if os.path.isdir(staging_dir): shutil.move(target_path, output_path) # Sleeping, to allow file system caching/syncing delays time.sleep(3) tmp_dir.cleanup()"Wrote output file: {output_path}") return output_path
[docs] class FileLock: """Create and release a lockfile. Adapted from """ def __init__(self, fpath): """Initialize Lock for 'fpath'.""" self._fpath = fpath dr = os.path.dirname(fpath) if dr and not os.path.isdir(dr): os.makedirs(dr) self.state = "UNLOCKED"
[docs] def acquire(self, timeout=10): """Create actual lockfile, raise error if already exists beyond 'timeout'.""" start = deadline = start + td(seconds=timeout) while < deadline: if not os.path.isfile(self._fpath): Path(self._fpath).touch() break time.sleep(3) else: raise Exception(f"Could not obtain file lock on {self._fpath}") self.state = "LOCKED"
[docs] def release(self): """Release lock, i.e. delete lockfile.""" if os.path.isfile(self._fpath): try: os.remove(self._fpath) except FileNotFoundError: pass self.state = "UNLOCKED"
[docs] def create_lock(fname: Union[str, Path]): """Check whether lockfile already exists and else creates lockfile. Parameters ---------- fname : str Path of the lockfile to be created. Returns ------- FileLock object or None. """ lock_obj = FileLock(fname) try: lock_obj.acquire(timeout=10) locked = False except Exception as exc: if str(exc) == f"Could not obtain file lock on {fname}": locked = True else: raise Exception(exc) if locked: return None else: return lock_obj