Source code for clisops.utils.time_utils

[docs] def create_time_bounds(ds, freq): """Generate time bounds for datasets that have been temporally averaged. Averaging frequencies supported are yearly, monthly and daily. """ # get datetime class dt_cls = ds.time.values[0].__class__ if freq == "month": time_bounds = [ [ dt_cls(tm.year, tm.month,, dt_cls(tm.year, tm.month, tm.daysinmonth), ] for tm in ds.time.values ] elif freq == "year": # get number of days in december for calendar dec_days = dt_cls(2000, 12, 1).daysinmonth # generate time bounds time_bounds = [ [dt_cls(tm.year, 1, 1), dt_cls(tm.year, 12, dec_days)] for tm in ds.time.values ] elif freq == "day": time_bounds = [ [ dt_cls(tm.year, tm.month,, 0, 0, 0), dt_cls(tm.year, tm.month,, 23, 59, 59), ] for tm in ds.time.values ] else: raise Exception("Time frequency not supported for creation of time bounds.") return time_bounds