Configuration options
There are many configuration options that can be adjusted to change the behaviour of the roocs stack.
The configuration file used can always be found under <package>/etc/roocs.ini
where package is a package in roocs e.g. roocs-utils.
Any section of the configuration files can be overwritten by creating a new INI file with the desired sections and values and then setting the environment variable ROOCS_CONFIG
as the file path to the new INI file.
e.g. ROOCS_CONFIG="path/to/config.ini"
Below are the configuration settings, with explanations provided as comments within the code blocks. The examples given may not directly correspond to the settings used in each package.
Specifying types
It is possible to specify the type of the entries in the configuration file, for example if you want a value to be a list when the file is parsed.
This is managed through a [config_data_types]
section at the top of the ini
file which has the following options:
# fmt: off .. code-block:
lists =
dicts =
ints =
floats =
boolean =
extra_lists =
extra_dicts =
extra_ints =
extra_floats =
extra_booleans =
# fmt: on
Simply adding the name of the value you want to format after =
will render in the correct format. e.g. boolean = use_inventory is_default_for_path
will set both use_inventory
and is_default_for_path
as booleans.
In roocs-utils there are project level settings. The settings under each project heading are the same.
e.g. for cmip5 the heading is [project:cmip5]
project_name = cmip5
# base directory for data file paths
base_dir = /badc/cmip5/data/cmip5
# if a dataset id is identified as coming from this project, should these be the default settings used (as opposed to using the c3s-cmip5 settings by default)
is_default_for_path = True
# template for the output file name - used in ``clisops.utils.file_namers``
file_name_template = {__derive__var_id}_{frequency}_{model_id}_{experiment_id}_r{realization}i{initialization_method}p{physics_version}{__derive__time_range}{extra}.{__derive__extension}
# defaults used in file name template above if the dataset doesn't contain the attribute
attr_defaults =
# the order of facets in the file paths of datasets for this project
facet_rule = activity product institute model experiment frequency realm mip_table ensemble_member version variable
# what particular facets will be identified as in this project - not currently used
mappings =
# whether to use an intake catalog or not for this project
use_catalog = False
# where original files can be downloaded
data_node_root =
There are settings for the environment:
# relating to the number of threads to use for processing
The elastic search settings are specified here:
endpoint =
port = 443
# names of the elasticsearch indexes used for the various stores
character_store = roocs-char
fix_store = roocs-fix
analysis_store = roocs-analysis
fix_proposal_store = roocs-fix-prop
These are settings that are specific to clisops:
# memory limit for chunks - dask breaks up its underlying array into chunks
chunk_memory_limit = 250MiB
# maximum file size of output files. Files are split if this is exceeded
file_size_limit = 1GB
# staging directory to output files to before they are moved to the requested output directory
# if unset, the files are output straight to the requested output directory
output_staging_dir = /gws/smf/j04/cp4cds1/c3s_34e/rook_prod_cache
daops provides settings for using the intake catalog:
# provides the url for the intake catalog with details of datasets
intake_catalog_url =
There are currently no settings in rook but these would be set in the same way as the clisops and daops settings. e.g. with [rook:section]
These are settings that are specific to dachar:
# LOTUS settings for scanning datasets
queue = short-serial
# large settings for scanning large datasets
wallclock_large = 23:59
memory_large = 32000
# settings for scanning smaller datasets
wallclock_small = 04:00
memory_small = 4000
# output paths for scanning datasets and generating fixes
_base_path = ./outputs
base_log_dir = %(_base_path)s/logs
batch_output_path = %(base_log_dir)s/batch-outputs/{grouped_ds_id}
json_output_path = %(_base_path)s/register/{grouped_ds_id}.json
success_path = %(base_log_dir)s/success/{grouped_ds_id}.log
no_files_path = %(base_log_dir)s/failure/no_files/{grouped_ds_id}.log
pre_extract_error_path = %(base_log_dir)s/failure/pre_extract_error/{grouped_ds_id}.log
extract_error_path = %(base_log_dir)s/failure/extract_error/{grouped_ds_id}.log
write_error_path = %(base_log_dir)s/failure/write_error/{grouped_ds_id}.log
fix_path = %(_base_path)s/fixes/{grouped_ds_id}.json
# checks to run when analysing a sample of datasets
# common checks are run on all samples
common = coord_checks.RankCheck coord_checks.MissingCoordCheck
# it is possible to specify checks that will be run on datasets from specific projects
cmip5 =
cmip6 =
cordex = coord_checks.ExampleCheck
# elasticsearch api token that allows write access to indexes
elastic_api_token =
# how many directories levels to join by to create the name of a new directory when outputting results of scans
# see ``dachar.utils.switch_ds.get_grouped_ds_id``
dir_grouping_level = 4
# threshold at which an anomaly in a sample of datasets will be identified for a fix - not currently used
# the lower threshold (between 0 and 1), the more likely the anomaly will be to get fixed
concern_threshold = 0.2
# possible locations for scans and analysis of datasets
locations = ceda dkrz other
catalog maker
In the catalog maker there are project level settings as well. The settings under each project heading are the same. Settings for the catalog maker are:
# directory to store catalog and dataset list used in generation of catalog
# if catalog_dir is the same for different projects, the yaml file in this directory will be updated for each project, rather than a new one made
catalog_dir = ./catalog_data
# Where the csv file will be generated
csv_dir = %(catalog_dir)s/%(project_name)s/
# Where the user will provide a dataset list which will be used to generate the catalog
datasets_file = %(catalog_dir)s/%(project_name)s-datasets.txt
Further settings for the intake catalog workflow are:
# directory for logging outputs from LOTUS when generating catalog entries
log_base_dir = /gws/smf/j04/cp4cds1/c3s_34e/inventory/log
split_level = 4
# max duration for LOTUS jobs, as "hh:mm:ss"
max_duration = 04:00:00
# job queue on LOTUS
job_queue = short-serial
# number of datasets to process in one batch - fewer batches is better as it prevents "Exception: Could not obtain file lock" error
n_per_batch = 750